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net.flag Help


Change the net.flag

Use this option to change the current net.flag. You will see the most recent flag in a popup window.

Click on the elements of the flag to explore the nationalities and meanings that compose the current flag.

To add to the flag click on the down arrow    at the top of the flag. This displays a menu of options to search the database of flags by meanings, color, country name and shape.

To save your changes click the red dot   . You can enter a title for the flag and a comment. Click "Save" to save your changes to the server. Your flag will be visible to the next user that visits net.flag. The title that you enter will appear under your flag in the "Flags of the Web" section. The comment is displayed when a user clicks on your flag in the "Flags of the Web".

To go to other options click the up arrow    at the top of the screen. This displays a menu of choices (Change the net.flag, Anatomy of the flag, etc.)

Anatomy of the flag

Use this option to browse through the recent changes to net.flag. You will see the most recent flag in a popup window, with a scrollbar to the right.

Click on the elements of the flag to explore the nationalities and meanings that compose the current flag.

Click the scrollbar on the right to scroll through the last 150 changes that have been made to the net.flag. You can scroll back through the changes one at a time to see how the net.flag has evolved.

To go to other options click the up arrow    at the top of the screen. This displays a menu of choices (Change the net.flag, Anatomy of the flag, etc.)

Flags of the web

Use this option to see each flag that has been saved to net.flag. You will see a grid of flags. The date each flag was created appears under it, along with that flag title. The flags are listed in reverse chronological order.

Click on a flag to see a larger version of the flag in a popup window. If a comment was saved with the flag it will appear in this window below the flag image.

Click the arrows at the top of the screen to show the next    or previous    page of flags.

To go to other options click the up arrow    at the top of the screen. This displays a menu of choices (Change the net.flag, Anatomy of the flag, etc.)


This option lists the most popular countries and elements of all the changes that have been made to the net.flag.

Top 20 Elements shows which parts of flags have been selected most often from the database.

Top 20 Meanings shows the meanings of those elements. The colors and shapes of flags form a visual language that symbolizes aspects of the history and values of the nation. The most obvious example is the color red, which almost always represents blood and refers to the conflict that gave rise to that nation.